The Interview
I had never gone to a job interview at 10 p.m. But there I was ringing the doorbell, in the dark, wondering if I was crazy, or just desperate.
I had never gone to a job interview at 10 p.m. But there I was ringing the doorbell, in the dark, wondering if I was crazy, or just desperate.
I peer quivering from under the sheets towards the half-opened door of my closet.
A moist, low carb, healthy, delicious snack, breakfast, lunch, or desert with no wheat or refined sugar, a low glycemic index and high nutritional value.
A good friend and I were trading emails during the 2008 election. Here is my response to one of hers. The Democrats have certainly disappointed me at times, but I cannot imagine trusting the ones who have been power for 16+++ years. McCain is part of and has surrounded himself with the group who created … Continue reading Democrats, Republicans, War, Oil and lots of other things